John Brotchie Nursery School

Capable, Confident and Creative Children

Telephone02 9316 8825


A smile girl

Our indoor environments is set up and equipped to stimulate, challenge and provide choice for the children to guide and support their own learning.


Our educators thoughtfully plan, set up and choose resources based on the interest of the children, what is developmentally appropriate and what will support the children in working towards our learning outcomes. We also set up our environment to cater for different learning styles and group sizes.


We have many different spaces for learning we call these curriculum areas and they include; creative arts, dramatic play, language and maths play, science, nature, blocks and construction, puzzles and problem solving, technology and project work.

Creative arts

Our art studio inside includes easel painting, drawing and design. Our approach to art has been influenced by the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education.

We believe that children should have daily access to creative arts so they can express themselves and their understanding of the world around them.

The children are supported by all the educators and also our art teacher while playing here.

students enjoying maths class



Maths is one of the keys to children's success as they go through school. Our maths area provides opportunities and resources to explore, experiment and build understanding around numbers and counting, measuring, space and shape, noticing and making patterns.


The provision of language and literacy experiences is essential in all early childhood education learning environments. Literacy is the capacity, confidence and disposition to use language in all it's form - talking, listening, viewing, reading and writing. Literacy is incorporated across our whole curriculum however in our literacy area we have designated games and equipment that supports that acquisition of language and literacy skills. We also use high quality literature across all curriculum areas to support literacy skills.

student in technology class



At John Brotchie, we integrate technology into our curriculum. We use interactive whiteboards, light tables, computers, iPads and Beebots to engage, extend and stimulate learning for the children.


Therefore our children become extremely confident and capable at using technology to create, explore, experiment and document their learning.

student in a science class


Young children should learn science through active involvement - through first hand, investigative experiences. At John Brotchie we provide provocations for the children to problem solve, guess, hypothese and trial. We encourage them to ask questions, think aloud, research as well as poke, push, pull, turn, shake or pound to found out why. Children are naturally inquisitive and we provide resources, questions and opportunities to develop understanding around science. 

Dramatic play

Dramatic play or sometimes refereed to as pretend play or make believe. One of the core vales of the EYLF is that play provides opportunities for children to learn as they discover, create, improvise and imagine. Our dramatic play area provides a great opportunity for the children to do all those things. Dramatic play contributes to children's cognitive and emotional development as well as fostering the growth of language and literacy skills.

Nature play

The EYLF highlights the importance of using the natural environment to support learning. While playing inside we still like to incorporate nature play. We have a designated area to explore nature, animals, insects and life-cycles. We also use natural objects across all our curriculum areas.

students busy with their project work.

Project work


Across our curriculum the educators and children will be involved in project work where they are researching and learning about a topic of interest. Project work might be with one or two children or a small or large group of children. The research of the project might go over days, weeks or months depending on the topic and the interest.

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