John Brotchie Nursery School

Capable, Confident and Creative Children

Telephone02 9316 8825


teacher teaching kids to bake

Cooking in our outdoor kitchen

We have successfully been running our cooking program since our outdoor kitchen was built in 2014.


Cooking with preschoolers is not only a great time to spend together, it's also a rich educational experience. There are many maths concepts associated with cooking - measurement, weight, size, counting, temperature, estimating and sequencing.

Cooking experiences can help children become effective communicators, expand their vocabulary, encourage verbal conversation, asking and answering questions and beginning reading skills to follow a recipe.

Cooking is also fantastic for fine motor skills allowing the children to experiment and practice their fine motor skills and strength.

teacher helping in the garden

Our cooking program supports healthy eating and offers a chance for the children to learn about different foods and nutrition. We use fresh produce from our garden such as herbs and vegetables and eggs from our chickens.

Our cooking program supports our healthy eating policy and provides opportunity to discuss foods we should eat more often and foods that are "sometimes" foods.


Our cooking program also reflects the different cultures of our families and introduces new foods for the children to try.

We find that if children have been involved in cooking the food from scratch they are more likely to give new foods a try.

Joanne organises our cooking program and has a selection of healthy recipes planned. We repeat a chosen recipe 3 or 4 times this way lots of children get to have a turn at cooking and it also encourages the fussy eaters to have a try!
We love family helpers in our cooking program. This means that we can support the children's learning during the cooking process as well as make it safe and enjoyable. The children love it when their families come in to help and we love it too. You don't have to be a master chef, you just need to help Joanne and the children to follow the recipe.